Who is René Slot:
René Slot (M.D.) is a Doctor of Integrative Medicine and a former General Practitioner. He has a broad experience in conventional and complementary medicine (CAM: Complementary and Alternative Medicine), which he applies in his practice in the form of Integrative Medicine.
Consultations in the Netherlands are held in Deventer. He also offers consultations for patients abroad via Whats’ App or Facetime video.
René Slot is the author of a book about willpower called “The Will is an Arrow” (De Wil is een Pijl), published in 2019 (in Dutch) and already in its second edition.
He specializes in Integrative Medicine. He has a broad experience in conventional and complementary medicine (CAM: Complementary and Alternative Medicine), which he uses in his practice.
He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases, fatigue, psychosomatic medicine, food allergies (IgG), children’s health and developmental issues. Diseases of the gastrointestinal system, DNA research and treatment of microbioma are a special focus of his treatment.
He is the developer of the PLID diet, the Paracelsus Low Insulin Diet. This is a combination of health and diet coaching, high quality meal replacements, blood tests (cholesterol and glucose), supported by a book with the theory of the PLID diet and a workbook. A dietician supports this program. The results are very promising: health improvement (lower blood pressure, reduction of waist size with 10-15 cm, reduction of medication (statin, antihypertensives, diabetes medication (insulin and tablets). fat loss of 10-15 kg all in 3 months. and treatment of chronic diseases, fatigue, psychosomatic medicine, food allergy (IgG), health and developmental issues in children.
The Practice of Dr. René Slot
The focus of his practice is the integration of conventional medical knowledge with findings from complementary and alternative medicine, supported by new methods of medical research.
The mission of this practice is to improve the health and personal autonomy of the patient. This is based on a medical diagnosis, supported by the results of relevant tests, and a treatment plan. The treatment is based on lifestyle advice, natural medicines and supplements, dietary treatment (obesity and food allergy or intolerance).
The medical staff works together to treat patients with a broad perspective:
– Diagnosis and treatment of physical health problems (body).
– Improving health, vitality and lifestyle (energy).
– Counseling patients on emotional and psychological issues, coping mechanisms (stress, anxiety, trauma, etc.) (Emotional).
– Coaching based on René Slot’s book “The Will is an Arrow”, including personal growth and development, goal orientation (Development).